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Did you know 1 in 6 men have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences? Lucas Damen of Hammer Forge Creations is one of them. He is using his voice through his work to speak up about this and encourage others to forge ahead, and to forge their life. For more information on Lucas scroll below. For more information on the work 1 in 6 does click below. $5 from each shirt sold will be donated back to them until the end of the month.

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Blacksmithing is the perfect metaphor for life. You are the steel and the forge is where you find yourself. The fire is Life, Death and everything in between.  The flames burn and strip you of your hard outer layer to reveal the soft and vulnerable matter inside. This, is the time to strike! When what you are experiencing has broken you down and you feel immersed in chaos, this is when you strike! That is as true in blacksmithing as it is in life. We all experience life and we all experience hardship and anxiety. Depending on your experience, the sense of loss of control can be perpetual. but it doesn't have to be.
As a child, I suffered years of sexual abuse and kept it a secret for over 30 years. As a man, I was ashamed and emasculated. I was angry and I was hateful. Keeping this secret caused me (and those who cared for me) many issues throughout my life and I felt completely out of control.  Now as a blacksmith, every swing I take is a conscious choice. A commitment to change. An acknowledgement of my responsibility in this act of creation.  Blacksmithing taught me to take action in chaos, to transform it and to use it to heal myself.  That's what FORGE LIFE means. Life is always happening. For better or worse. But I promise you don't have to be a blacksmith to take ownership of your reality and to start forging a new and greater future for yourself!
I am trying to raise awereness about Male Survivors of Sexual abuse because even though we may not talk about it, it happens more often than we would ever admit. Statistically I am 1 out of  6 males that experiences unwanted sexual contact or sexual abuse in their lifetime. let that sink in for a minute. 1 in every 6 men. Yet we don't hear their stories and we can't support them in their times of need if they don't have a voice. I was silent for 30 years. But no more. With the help of the non-profit organization

Sexual Abuse & Assault of Boys & Men | Confidential Support for Men

At least 1 in 6 men have experienced sexual abuse or assault, according to leading research. Read about the statistic, find helpful information, chat with a trained advocate through the 24/7 national helpline, join a weekly online support group, view male survivors' stories, etc. You're not alone.

and the craft of blacksmithing, I have finally been able to speak openly about my experience. It has been the most liberating moment of my life but more importantly than that I want all the other men out there to know that it is absolutely possible to heal from the effects sexual abuse and please don't be afraid because you are not alone!

Salute and All is LOVE


-Lucas Damen 

 Hammer Forge Creations



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